Use Social Media to Educate Pet Owners About Vector-Borne Disease

When it comes to social distancing, ticks and mosquitoes didn't get the memo. While nearly all aspects of our daily lives have changed over the past few months, the importance of educating pet owners about vector-borne disease has not.
While your interactions with clients may be limited to phone calls or brief curbside exchanges, your practice's social media channels have become even more valuable. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, use of social media has skyrocketed. For example, Facebook saw a 37% increase in the amount of time users spent on the app, according to TechCrunch.
Now is the time to make sure your practice's social media channels are working hard for you. Start the conversation with clients by sharing these posts about vector-borne disease and routine testing.
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Suggested Caption: It's the first week of the month — don't forget your pet's preventives.
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A single mosquito bite can transmit heartworm to your pet. Ask us how we can help you know if they've been infected and help protect them.
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Unprotected pets are at risk of contracting heartworm disease, which is a potentially fatal infection. We do a simple blood test once a year to see if your pet has been infected and recommend year-round preventives to protect your pet.
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Infected ticks spread many diseases, including Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis. Is your pet protected? Ask how we can help you know if they've been exposed.
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Summer is for getting outside! Don't forget to check your two- and four-legged family members for ticks before you head home.
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Call us today if you need to order preventives for your pet! (Let them know if they can purchase them over the phone or provide them with the link to order online if you have an online pharmacy.)
Preventives can be expensive. While many clients' finances have been impacted by COVID-19, you can help by offering education on the important reasons to protect their pet so they feel confident in the financial decisions they make.